Sunday, January 16, 2011

"My Little Robots..." (IC Explanation / Backstory pt. 2)

"Nano...Nan..wha'?" Lanny asked the Alliance doctor within the Medical Wing of the IAV Perseus. It had been a few years since the cruiser had discovered the boy within the husk of his former family's Carrier, and yet the feeling of hopelessness and loneliness had still left a frozen feeling in his heart. The Doctor kneeled down to Lanny, and clasped a latex-gloved hand to his shoulder. "Nanites, Lanny. Everyone aboard your ship had them implanted into their bodies prior to undocking and heading off. Suprisingly, they were only to last the crew a few months before they would deactivate and evaporate into the bloodstream. But are something special."

Lanny blinked rapidly. He had absolutely no idea what the Doctor had meant. It was either the scientific terms he used, or the gigantic words behind it, but it left him utterly puzzled. The Doctor knew this, and sighed. He got up and retrieved a small scalpel from a tray, and put it to Lanny's arm. "Let me show you." and he gave a quick slice to Lanny's skin. The smell of his own blood was unnerving, especially when mixed with the chilling scents of Methanol and Disinfectants that permeated in the Medical Wing. He flinched, and began to whimper, looking down at his arm. The Doctor added "Now, watch."
Lanny looked at his arm, and noticed that the blood from the wound had clotted almost instantly, and within moments, had slowly begun to heal itself back to its original state. It was astounding! How could this type of thing exist? It absolutely puzzled him. Lanny looked to the doctor with a face of sheer astonishment and confusion. "There are many things your parents never told you, Lanny." the Doctor said. He turned back to the drawers of the wing, and produced a small vial of odd-colored liquid, with the emblem of the Alliance in big, bold colors upon the glass. "Your parents' ship had been carrying illegal goods, Lanny. And this was one of them. Only it was in massive quantities. Their only problem with its application was themselves. Their bodies didn't take in the Nanites like they had wanted, and it had only thinned out their blood. You, on the other hand..."

The Doctor huffed, as if he was surprised as well. "You are one of a kind. Not only did your body accept them, but the Nanites themselves began working immediately. This is why you are here. We weren't out hunting Scavengers. We were looking for you. And while you were sleeping, we did every test that we needed."
Lanny couldn't feel any more used. Neither from the 'Feds, OR his own family. He was speechless. Utterly speechless. He was only Sixteen by then, but he personally felt that his entire life at that moment had been exactly how it big Facade.
The Alliance had no need for him any longer, as they usually end up with any "Expendable" good...but they didn't just dump him out onto a random planet. They knew he was special, that he was promising. They needed to keep him going, but at the same time keep off the radar, so he could lead his own life without knowing that he was being pampered by the feds. So he was issued a small Shuttle, his supplies, his clothes, and sent on his way.

From this point on, Lanny has been a Spacer. A Lone-Wolf. He's been traveling the Outer Rim, searching for jobs, doing tasks, defending decent people...all without realizing that someone in a tucked-away sector of space has been eyeballing him the entire time, letting him do what he pleases. To be honest, that private sector has probably forgotten about him, hence why he's retained a neutral standpoint with the Alliance as a whole. But this occurance also explains why Lanny has been easily capable to heal after a conflict with the Alliance Warbot known as Ravish, and why he's defiant enough to keep comin' back for seconds. His only real concern at the moment is the thoughts that swell in his consciousness. He feels that he may someday end up being exactly like Ravish, or Raids. Another experiment. Another Tool. So alongside his pooling hatred for them, he also feels a sense of...respect, dignity...even honor, for the Warbots. He admires their cold and calculating ways, despite being smashed and shot at by them. And he continues to learn from their actions.


  1. Hey, you should talk to Mikie. The two of you likely have a lot in common. :)

    Oops, one more suggestion. The title, Smuggler's Run, at the top of your blog. It's in white text against a white and blue background, can't read part of the title.

  2. Yeah, i noticed that. I decided to snoop around and i found a background that better suited my tastes.

  3. One of us! One of us!
